China is the hope of the rest of the world:World Health Organization

China is the hope of the rest of the world:World Health Organization

World Health Organization believes China is shining hope in the fight against coronavirus.
However, the question is whether China's strategy can be used in other countries.
Especially in Western countries.

According to AFP,a locally infected patient has been found in China in the last four days.
The situation that has srisen since the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan city of Hubei province in December last year has made significant progress.

Although many experts have cautioned about the number of people infected with China, World Health Organization head Tedros Adham Gabrieves stressed China's success.
He said China's success is giving hope to the rest of the world.

China is a country with a centrally controlled party, where there is no place for disagreement and a large amount of resources on any issues can change overnight in China are blockade and control, wear of masks, mass quarantine, solidarity, ETC.

Block and control 

Last January, China effectively blocked the city of Wuhan and sent its 1.11 million population to Quarantine.
This process was followe for the whole of Hubei Province.
Sends 500 million of the country are strongly encouraged to stay home.

Mass Consclidation

Zheng Jijie, a professor of public Health at Peking University, said at least 12,000 doctors and Health care in Hubei province.
During this time, 3 thousand 5 Health workers were attacked and 5 died.

Masks and alerts 

The need to wear masks is widely seen in cities.
Professor Zhengzie said the use of masks could prevent the spread of the virus in larg numbers in fear of carrying the virus to larg numbers of people.

According to Xinhua news agency, China has produced more than 1 million masks daily.

Where privacy is limited in the high tech country, some local authorities arrange for QR codes to be displayed on the phone  to citizens.
Which shows their 'green; 'yellow' and 'red' signs depending on the situation in the area at risk.
It shows citizens whether they are going to high risk areas.

*This report has been rewritten in English by Rakibul Hasan.*