Ome more infected as number of coronavirus patients rises to 17

Ome more infected as number of coronavirus patients rises to 17

Another young man has been tested positive for coronavirusis in Chuadanga, Raising the total number of coronavirus cases to 17 in the country, Report (UNB).

Asm Maruf, the civil Surgeon of the district and member secretary of the coronavirus prevention commitee, made the announcement in an emergency press briefing at has office.

He said the 30-year-old patient returned from ITaly on 12 March and he was released feom Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport After primary medical test.

Staying in Dhaka for two days, Maruf said, he returned to chuadanga on 14 March.

As he developed the symptoms of coronavirus, he went to chuadang sadar hospital o 16 March, Maruf added.

later, he was admitted to the coronavirus unit of the Hospital.

Ateam of Instiute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research-IEDCR-went  to chuadanga and Collected samples which were Taken to IEDCR later.

(IEDCR) confirmed that the patient was positive for corona on Wednesday night, said the Civil Surgeon.

Earlier, the director general of Directorate General of Healtgh services-DGHS-Abul Kalam Azad announced that three more people have tested positive for corona-Covid-19-in the country, raising the number of coronavirus patient 17.

Bangladeshis on Wednesday confirmed one Death from coronavirus Bangladesh.