Holidays can be extended

Holidays can be extended

A 10-day leave from the public-private office is underway until April 4 to combat coronavirus. But depending on the situation, the holiday period may be extended for a few days. A responsible official of the cabinet department said in a first light on Monday that a decision could be reached on Tuesday.
Asked about this, Minister of State for public Administration Farhad Hossain said at first light, Depending on the situation, the holiday may be extended. But we do not know yet. Government sources say the holiday could be extended for seven more days. Later, the next to-do will be fixed as needed. Earlier, on March 23, the government declared holidays from March 26 to April 4. These included Independence Day, March 26, and the next two days, Friday and Saturday. The government announced a five-day public holiday from yesterday -March 29-to April 2. And on April 3 and 4, the entire country will be on a 10-day holiday, with weekly holidays.

On March 8, the first coronavirus patient was diagnosed in the country. According to the latest data, 49 patients have been identified so far. Five of them died. The government has taken several instructions and decisions this month to combat coronavirus. All education programs, along with the holidays, were announced until April 9, which could be further increased. The HSC and equivaient examinations have also been postponed from April 1. Public transport will be closed throughout the country from March 26 to April 4. However, trucks, covered vans, medicines, emergency services, fuel, transport of decomposed goods will be excluded from the ban. No passengers can be transport in freight vehicles. Passenger ferries will be closed from March 24 until further notice. However, the ferry will be limited in scope for ambulance or required crossing. Passenger train movement is also closed. However, freight and freight trains will be limited. Unless further instructions are given, all flights on the domestic route have been stopped. International flights are also limited in flight. Only flights to London, China and Hong Kong. However, the London Route flight will be closed from 12 pm on Monday. Traveling from Bangladesh to India has been stop[ped till Aprill 15.

Armed forces have come down from March 24 to assist the civilian administration in combating the situation. Field administration, law enforcement and the armed forces are working in the field to ensure social distance between people. They have been told to refrain from going out without need. Even praying at home and praying has been requested. Bank transactions have been limited from 9am to 12pm. However, holidays will not apply to healthcare, newspapers and other urgent work. other industries, markets, shops and shops will operate under thir own management. Emergency transport such as trucks, cargo, ambulances and newspaper cars will operate normally. Hotels and bakeries will be open. Essential goods store will be open.

 *This report has been rewritten in English by Rakibul Hasan.*