What diabetes patients do to reduce their risk of coronary disease

What diabetes patients do to reduce their risk of coronary disease

The whole woeld is plagued by the epidemic of coronavirus. About 9 percent of corona infections are mild or mild, which can be cured. 3 oercent can be severe or severe, where oxygen is needed. And 5 percent of critical, where ventilators may be needed, even death due to respiretory failure.
Theose who are particularly at risk for coronary infection are diabetice, patients with heart failure, kidney failure patients, asthma or chronic bronchitis. 
There are also those whose immunity is low, such as patients receiving chemotherapy.  Why diabetes patients are at risk. The number of patients with diabetes in our country is many. Many people, especially the elderly, have diabetes. On top of that, a large portion of our diabetes patients have blood sugar out of control.
Diabetes reduces the immunity of patients. The  ability to fight any germs is reduces. Again, payients with diabetes have kidney complications, heart disease and so on. Diabetes patients are at high risk of being infected with coronavirus.
What diabetes patients do to reduce their risk of coronary disease
 The level of diabetes control HBAANC in diabetic patients plays an important role in this regard. The worse the diabetes control -the higher the HBAANC, the higher the risk. About 1 percent of diabetics in Bangladesh have high blood sugar targets.  Uncontrolled diabetes means that the level of HbAnwC in blood is more than 3%. So in the current situation, it is important for patients with diabetes to be a little more aware. 
Coronavirus epidemiology should be done in a diabetic patient .
1= Despite the slightest signs of coronavirus infection-eg, fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.-, government-assisted centers should seek immediate help in diagnosis and subsequent service. You should contact the personal physsician as soon as possible. 
2= In the present situation, the maximum effort should be made to control blood sugar without making any sense of point. Telk to your doctor if necessary to start insulin. Insulin is able to control sugars in the fastest time. On an empty stomach, sugars should be reduced to less than 1 millimol and food should be taken in less than 1 millimol after two  hours.
3= If the symptoms occur, even if Corona is unsure, she will have to isolate herself. That means you have to be in the quarantine. If the body is not too bad then it is better not to go to hospital. However, continued so that medical care is available quickly if needed.
4= At this time, those who are over 6 years old and thos with diabetes, stay in the quarantine. Bazaars, shopping malls, crowdwd places, social events should be avoided. Corona prevention instructions from home should be followed. Can't shake hands with anyone, no collar. Social distance must be  maintained. Must be at least three feet away from anyone to avoid infection.
5=  No need to go for walks in or out of the park at this time. To control sugars, you have to walk to the house, porch or corridor and do some light exercise.
6= Personal hygiene should be maintained for at least 20 seconds. If you touch money, newspapers, parcels, etc., you should wash your hands. Clothes should be washed at home rather than ironed in laundry.
7= If someone is ill at home, the elderly and the  diabetic should first be separated.
8= It would be better not to eat any food brought  from outside.

 *This report has been rewritten in English by Rakibul Hasan.*

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