There is no Corona in isolated countries

There is no Corona in isolated countries

Until January 12, the coronavirus was confined to China. The next day, January 13, it appeared as a global problem. The first patient outside China was identified in Thailand. Soon after, coronary patients were found in Japan, South Korea and the United States. One or two countries are now affecting almost the entire world. The death toll from the deadly virus has exceeded 10 million. 
More than 50 thousand died. However, there are some countries where the coronavirus has not yet been identified. The number of UN member states is 139. According to the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, no coronary patients were identified in 18 countries until Thursday. Most of them are isolated islands. Countries are Comoros, kiribati, lesotho, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, North Korea, Palau, Samoa, Sao Tome and principe, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Some experts agree that, although countries like North Korea and war-torn Yemen have officially stated the Coronation Identification Number is zero, it does not appear to have been infected. However, out of the 10 countries with the least number of people traveling in the world, seven are quotidian-free. There are many reasins why countries do not rech Corona. One of them may be misfortune. Due to the island state, people have less triffic. There is no cube. As a result, the residents live a voluntary life. Therefore, it is easier to protect the social distance in these countriec. Even then, the governments of many of these countries have taken strong steps to combat Corona. Nauru is one of the Pacific Islands. President Lionel Angimia issued a national emergency, although the coronary patient was not identified. Population of 10 thousand Nauru is the second smallest country in the world with very few tourists. A tourist organization says only 160 tourists a year in the country. Although there is no need for social distance because people are few, hospitals and medical equipment are scarce. So entering Corona is a difficult matter for the country. Therefore, the government has already banned travelers from China, South Korea, Italy and lran from entering the country. About the strict government regulations, President Lionel said those who are in quarantine are being tested daily. If any of them is infected with fever, they are being isolated. After collecting the samples, they are being sent to Australia for testing. Coronavirus infections have not been identified, but similar national emergencies have been issued in kiribati, Tonga, Vanuatu and other smaller islands, such as Nauru.
Colin Tokotonga, dean of the Auckland University Medical School in New Zealand and former Commissioner of the world Health Organization WHO, said the islands do not have very good Health care. The states are very small and vulnerable. In many countries there is no ventilator. If coroner outbreaks occur in these areas, the entire nation will be destroyed. In addition, the prevalence of diabetes, heart disease and chest problems among the citizens of these regions is very high. For those who re already infected, coronavirus is very serious. Therefore, the best thing that can happen to countries is to keep the number of victims as long as possible. And the steps that countries have taken to prevent coronary infection are really effective. Peter McPherson, a professor of public health and a professor of public health at Liverpool School in the United Kingdom, said the evidence says that Corona will be reached in all countries. However, the steps taken by the islands are commendable.

"In our global economic system, I'm not sure any country will be immune to this contagious disease," said Andy Totem, a professor of pathology at the University of Southampton, UK, but he also says countries like Nauru
The actions that Lockdown has taken, can work. However, it may not always be the same result.

 *This report has been rewritten in English by Rakibul Hasan.*